“Our Christmas Cabaret” stars John Baldino and Erin Canedy with featured performances by the ensemble. The show is made up of Christmas favorites and nontraditional Christmas music from Broadway and pop culture.
She's singing her little heart out!
John practicing his friend's song.
Erin must have done something funny.
Really, who comes to rehearsal dressed this well? Only Jenna!
Trying really hard not to forget the lyrics.
Practicing "I Don't Remember Christmas," one of his favorite songs.
John and Erin rocking out.
He looks like he's going to eat the microphone.
It's the night before the show and she STILL has lyrics in her hand!
John sings a sweet song as the cast goofs off behind the camera.
Practicing one of her solos.
Practicing the encore, "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."
At least this time she doesn't have the music in her hand.
Jenna sings a beautiful song from "Songs for a New World."
Still working on that one number.
Don't you just want to pinch her cheeks?
Well, he's trying to make it pretty at least.
Yes. He's a lazy performer.
Erin rocks one of her solos.
Oh, how Christmasy.
Practicing a big company number.
Jenn and Erin.
We're here all week. Tip the waitress and try the veal!